Silence as you've never heard

Specialists in sound-absorbing barriers


Anti-noise barriers

Our company is ready to provide the right solution, as part of those particular cases where it is necessary to reduce the propagation of noise in order to protect against noise pollution inhabited places produced by roads, highways, railways or industrial nucleos.

  • Anti-noise barriers Road
    ad ronzoni protezione versanti
  • Design And Inspection
  • Material Supply
  • Installation
  • Technical Service


The road noise barriers are based on assumptions considered, a roadway or a railway line as a sound source. The noise of the vehicles in transit and its propagation is a complex series of several sound components that together, at different frequencies, induce and transmit noise in inhabited centers. The road noise components are derived from tire rolling, the air aerodynamics, the engine noise, the situation of the road surface, up to the vehicle type and its mass. The type of design of soundproof panels must face a series of very serious and challenging issues, as well as the installation must follow the strict canons very hard to get the best result possible. Our company, which has a great experience in the installation of soundproofing panels, always proceeds with a careful preliminary assessment of the area to be protected according to the acoustic study of the area, then move on to the choice of materials on the basis of Sound insulation performance to be obtained, and then aesthetics, to ensure a balanced environmental impact. A pier important factor to consider is given by the resistance of the panels used and their maintenance, in time to ensure the integrity, security, and the acoustic technical characteristics. We install panels and road noise reduction structures in various materials, wood, metal, transparent polycarbonate.


  • Urban Barriers Anti-Noise
  • Design And Inspection
  • Material Supply
  • Installation
  • Technical Service


Increasingly, conglomerates of productive activities, whether of industrial or Craft and Shopping Malls, coming close to the urban areas skirting areas reserved for green spaces, playgrounds or parks. These activities are revealed unfortunately, inevitably, a source of noise nuisance and poorly tolerated. To cope and protect urban areas from this type of noise pollution, we operate with the staging of works in light absorbing panels, whose preliminary and subsequent environmental integration evaluation are determined to prioritarianente of 'aesthetic balance guarantee. The panels used may be made in different materials, including, wood, metal and transparent material

Our Contacts

Sede Legale: SR 609 Carpinetana, Km 5+600
00037 Segni (Roma)
P. IVA 12099711009

Phone: +39 06 90204148
Fax: +39 06 90204148


RONZONI pannelli guardrail fotovoltaico insonorizzazioni parapetti barriere recinzioni IT grigliati montelanico sicurezza stradale SOLARE antirumore pannello acustico pannello fotoassorbente attenuatori d'urto barriere antirumore condotte stradali barriere paramassi canalizzazioni protezioni stradali INFRASTRUTTURE STRADALI ambiente territorio