Not only road's infrastructure but a yard of ideas on urban works and territory
In addition to the distribution and installation of guardrails , the guardrail and everything related to road safety , the company operates a complementary ADRonzoni in Town Planning and Territory with works from the drainage of water, the construction of structures parapets of various types, railings , noise mitigation and green areas , among which , with particular interest specifically, the works in the field of land and the environment , the infrastructure in the field of renewable energy where we have a decade of experience in building metal structures for photovoltaic systems for installation and commissioning of complex aggregates of solar panels fixed and adjustable.
ADRonzoniI also specializes in the design and installation of sound-absorbing structures suitable for all environments that need breaking down sounds or annoying noises , such as towns , roads , highways , railways , airports , industrial facilities , sports facilities and commercial facilities , facilities which have a big impact on ' Environmental Acoustics . The Studio foam insulators and barriers Antinoise used are always found on the market among the excellence , with the highest quality materials , while achievements are always treated with a great and fundamental respect for the aesthetic and environmental impact according to the installation site.
RONZONI imeva ghella anas ANAS GISKA guardrail stradale pannelli fotovoltaici insonorizzazioni tubi strada anas parapetti barriere recinzioni grigliati montelanico ronzoni ronzoni alessandro corten acciaio legno zincato sicurezza stradale sicurezza pannelli solari solare antirumore pannello acustico pannello fotoassorbente policarbonato legno attenuatori d'urto barriere antirumore barriere di transito parapetti ciclabili gurdrail per motociclisti motociclisti barriere stradali attenuatori d'urto redirettivi condotte stradali barriere paramassi canalizzazioni strdali tubi drenanti protezioni stradali infrastrutture stradali ambiente territorio