Our Certified Safety

Specialists in security installations


ADRonzoni Quality

We propose the development of road safety in the world looking for the best CE certified solutions applicable to your needs to offer a high service QUALITY 'answering your expectations and needs

A daily commitment

Customer satisfaction, quality assurance of their work and the pursuit of continuous improvement of its mode of operation are among the main objectives of the ADRonzoni policy. Our daily commitment to the particular job of road safety and the results achieved are tested by the quality certifications obtained, in compliance with environmental and safety policies, according to modern standards. AD Ronzoni Company owns and pursues continuous updates these quality certifications in products and services and business management system, which means respect international standards in the design, the safety of personnel, in the installation and in customer service.

Certify their company is to ensure the professionalism and the ability to meet the requirements of the customer with transparency and seriousness, compliance with national standards.
certificazione SOA

certificazione ISO 45001 2018

certificazione ISO 14001 2015

certificazione ISO 9001-2015

ronzoni ronzoni alessandro corten acciaio legno zincato sicurezza stradale sicurezza pannelli solari solare antirumore pannello acustico pannello fotoassorbente policarbonato legno attenuatori d'urto barriere antirumore barriere di transito parapetti ciclabili gurdrail per motociclisti motociclisti barriere stradali attenuatori d'urto redirettivi condotte stradali barriere paramassi canalizzazioni strdali tubi drenanti protezioni stradali infrastrutture strdaali ambiente territorio

Our Contacts

Legal Site: SR 609 Carpinetana, Km 5+600
00037 Segni (Roma - Italy)
P. IVA 12099711009

Phone: +39 06 90204148
Fax: +39 06 90204148


RONZONI pannelli guardrail fotovoltaico insonorizzazioni parapetti barriere recinzioni IT grigliati montelanico sicurezza stradale SOLARE antirumore pannello acustico pannello fotoassorbente attenuatori d'urto barriere antirumore condotte stradali barriere paramassi canalizzazioni protezioni stradali INFRASTRUTTURE STRADALI ambiente territorio