Our company provides and puts in place structures in scope of consolidation for road slope protection, designed to intercept any rock falls from cliffs and rocky slopes.
The consolidation of the slope is done through the installation of so-called; Gabions; structures of Shingle encapsulated by metal mesh that, once placed in work, allow to contain landslides and at the same time to ensure a high water drainage function, thus ensuring complete protection on board via the drive way.
In addition to the cages we operate several other works of protection solutions, which will be evaluated by our engineers according to the characteristics of the place in which it intervenes
Also in this case the ADRonzoni provides its own service of maintenance and technical assistance, ready to intervene promptly in case of call.
Another security solution for road slopes consists of metallic nets for double twist, that deliver in coating for the safety of the rocky slopes at risk of detachment of rocks and stones, to ensure the road slope protection indesideerati any objects which may affect the security of transit.
The metal nets also, just for the characteristic to adapt to any rocky profile constitute an excellent strengthening cortical system also in all those situations where it is necessary to prevent the detachment of rocks of varying size, are also suitable in urban works close to the inhabited centers in protection of various facilities.
A very significant aspect of road safety is constituted by the side guards restricting access to animals or humans or anything else dangerous to guarantee the safety of those traveling through. The trunk roads and motorways in fact require, for the characteristics of speed allowed, protective recinzion that assolvino fully in this delicate task. We at ADRonzoni we are aware of this particular aspect of safety and we work with our technicians and installation of protective fencing means.
Over fences, in similar fashion we take into due consideration the parapet railings, used as pedestrian protection where there is a risk of a fall in the street, namely on bridges and viaducts, but also perdelimitare streets with sidewalks below or above level, even in cases where pedestrian traffic is occasional, not least the parappei for cycle routes where confidently delimit the spaces to be assigned to different areas of du. The protection and safety in road on the pedestrian !!
In collaboration with the Company Giska, performing works supply and installation of traffic signs , of any type and size. The installation of vertical road signs includes all the road signs of all sizes . warning signs Direction signs and location - Order signs - street name signs - Prohibition signs - hotel signs and signals - signals stop - warning signs - Signs of obligation - to progressive distanziometrics signals - useful signals for driving - supplementary panels - Signal indication .
We start from the principle that every citizen has a duty to feel integrated in a real urban process , which consists , in all its forms and designs of vertical security systems to protect the spaces that we live every day and it they are an integral part . The ADRonzoni provides and puts in place urban railings and parapets for the protection of empty spaces where there is a real risk of falling for the pedestrian , generally bridges and viaducts , and for the demarcation of different use areas such as a bike path or boundaries between sidewalks and busy streets , right where the citizen needs a highly protective fence. We install railings and parapets of different types, depending on the use and intended use , both through pipes that semi-finished frames, aluminum or steel.
Cordon and narrow urban areas is now a basic need for security and the protection of different arre delimiting areas of activities and different use. Very often the boundless extension of some urban areas brings it impossible to manage its security with adequate supervision, we think of large public parks, or works of sporty character, for example stadiums, or works of urbanization as major commercial centers aggregates. Fencing means then close or define a space between the inside and the outside environment, to apply the safety regulations that reduce the probability of occurrence harmful dieventi and accidents, thus aiming to improve the welfare and quality of life of citizens. In this context, the ADRonzoni operates its installation activities of this fundamental element of external architecture, for a correct and safe use of man in public and private structures allowing the same space to enjoy it in complete safety. Urban fences that we put in place can be of various types and various materials, in relation to the environment and in order in which they will enter, will be care of our technicians in accordance with the customer, providing the choice of the most suitable system integral and cognate the landscape and the surrounding peripheral structures.
The metal nets, by the characteristic to adapt to any rocky profile constitute a great cortical reinforcement system in all those situations where it is necessary to prevent the detachment of rocks of various sizes , adapting , as well as in road protection systems , even in urban works close to the towns in defense of various facilities , both public and private . ADRonzoni The company , which has always worked to protect the environment , install and installation of protection systems with wire mesh aware that today the slope protection is a serious problem for the Protection of the territory from damage arising from natural disasters by the overflowing of rivers , and the resulting continuous water erosion .
RONZONI pannelli guardrail fotovoltaico insonorizzazioni parapetti barriere recinzioni IT grigliati montelanico sicurezza stradale SOLARE antirumore pannello acustico pannello fotoassorbente attenuatori d'urto barriere antirumore condotte stradali barriere paramassi canalizzazioni protezioni stradali INFRASTRUTTURE STRADALI ambiente territorio